WARNING: Graphic and Nudity Must be 18+ years old to watch this surgery NOTICE: This patient received a VAGINOPLASTY in the first half of this surgery. The Labiaplasty proceeded right after. That is why there are some stiches at the bottom of the vagina. **TO VIEW THE VAGINOPLASTY SURGERY, CLICK THIS LINK! ABOUT A LABIAPLASTY SURGERY: Many women are uncomfortable with their enlarged labia minora (the inner lips that surround the vaginal opening) and labia majora (the outer lips), which can lead to self-consciousness and discomfort while wearing clothing, exercising, or having sex. A labiaplasty may involve sculpting down the labia minora, the labia majora, or both. Dr. Aimee Nguyen, a cosmetic vaginal surgeon in Frisco, TX (also serving Plano, Allen & McKinney), specializes in cosmetic vaginal surgery and offers labiaplasty, which produces natural looking results. Dr. Nguyen has performed countless labiaplasties, creating an aesthetically appealing outcome and a normal look and feel. SURGICAL TECHNIQUE: Labiaplasty is done on an outpatient basis with a light sedation (sometimes known as twilight sedation) or general anesthesia and typically takes around 1-2 hours. Minimal incisions are made in the skin of the labia majora or minora, and then the excess skin and tissue are removed using a combination of wedge-shaped and trimming techniques to achieve the best aesthetic result. Incisions are made carefully to avoid loss of sensation or pain after the surgery, and then excess tissue is removed. The remaining skin is pulled tight and a more contoured look. TO LEARN MORE ABOUT DR. REJUVENATION'S LABIAPLASTY SURGERIES, CLICK THIS LINK! Labiaplasty* Purpose: A labiaplasty is a surgical procedure to reshape or reduce the size of the lips that surround the vaginal opening for cosmetic or medical purposes. How It Works: Minimal incisions are made in the skin of the labia majora or minora, and then the excess skin and tissue are removed using a combination of wedge-shaped and trimming techniques to achieve the best aesthetic result. Results: Noticed immediately Phone: (469) 234-8888 Email: [email protected] Location: Frisco, Texas Anesthesia: General anesthesia Average Procedure Time: 1-2 hours Recovery: 4-6 weeks (return to work 5-7 days after procedure) Lasts: Permanent Caution: Must be done by experience MD Pain Level: varies, mild to high Average Cost: $5,000 - $7,500


So we're going to start by doing a labiaplasty. So she's bothered by the excess skin here to the inner labia. It's bulky, it sticks out beyond the outer labia. She feels like there's a little bit of a camel toe when she's wearing tighter fitting clothes or working out or wearing a swimsuit. So we're going to be doing a labiaplasty here to sculpt all that extra skin down, remove it all, and make it much more tucked in and sleek and tidy.

She's also bothered by the asymmetry. So the left labia minora is significantly larger than the right labia minora, which is not unusual. No two sides are exactly identical twin sisters. And so we have a little bit more here to remove, but we'll match that with the right side and remove the extra on the right side as well, and it will have a much more tucked in look at the end.

So we've done our marks to try to make it even and symmetrical here, and now we're going to start removing that extra skin. So we finished the labiaplasty on the right side with a significant difference for her. So we removed all that extra skin on the right side. Now we're going to start on the left side and remove all the extra skin here that I've marked to make it even and symmetrical with the right. She's going to do great.

So we're all done with the labiaplasty. What an amazing, dramatic difference for her. So we removed all that extra skin here on the right, and then she had some significant skin here on the left that we also removed. We've made those sites even and symmetrical. She's going to heal beautifully. We also, in conjunction, did a vaginoplasty to tighten up the vaginal canal, as well as the muscles at the opening of the vagina.