For Dr. Aimee Nguyen's patients that are at a healthy, stable weight, CoolSculpting can permanently remove stubborn bulges of fat in the body. CoolSculpting is a nonsurgical FDA-cleared procedure that safely freezes fat cells in areas like the stomach and thighs. The frozen cells are processed naturally through the body and eliminated. Our patients will have the best results if they maintain a healthy diet and lifestyle, but future weight gain will be distributed evenly on the body.
Procedure Technique
The areas of the body being treated will be carefully frozen to a controlled temperature for a set amount of time by the hand-held CoolSculpting device. Most patients feel intense cold and pressure at first, but then they are able to relax through the rest of the treatment. After the procedure, patients may experience redness, swelling, bruising, and other temporary side effects. It usually takes 2-3 weeks for the body to start eliminating the fat cells, but patients see clear, dramatic results around two months after the procedure.
Expected Cost
CoolSculpting is priced based on the areas treated and how many sessions will be needed to achieve the patient’s goals. A treatment plan and pricing will be discussed during the initial consultation.

CoolSculpting FAQs
Best Candidates?
CoolSculpting is a procedure that works well for individuals who have noticeable bulges of fat in certain areas that have been resistant to diet and exercise. In addition, this patient usually prefers a nonsurgical approach for fat removal. If a patient has a larger area of fat, or requires more fat removal than what is normal for CoolSculpting, traditional liposuction may be recommended.
What Can I Expect?
Once the desired number of fat cells is frozen, the body naturally processes the fat and eliminates the fat cells. This is a permanent loss of fat cells, meaning they will not return. Patients typically start to see changes as quickly as 3-4 weeks after treatment, and will see the most dramatic results after several months. The body continues to still flush out fat cells for 4-6 months after treatment.
Is This Safe?
With over one million CoolSculpting treatments performed worldwide, this fat removal procedure is proven to be a safe and effective treatment for nonsurgical fat reduction. The CoolSculpting procedure is FDA-cleared for the flank (love handles), abdomen, and thighs.